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This glossary relates to terminology used on the NHSE elfh Hub, the associated websites and this support site.

Activity data
The data recorded by the Hub relating to any activity by a trainee including how many times individual sessions have been accessed, time spent in those sessions and scores achieved (where appropriate).

A course is a structured collection of sessions, which have training and learning content that is relevant to a speciality, condition or job role.

elearning content
The content of an elearning session.

elearning resource
A body of elearning content accessed via software for the purpose of delivering learning and training electronically.

An ePortfolio is a secure website that allows trainees to build up a collection (or portfolio) of evidence of their progress in speciality training. It supports a number of assessment tools for trainees to use in their education and development. The information in an e-Portfolio can be used to inform progress reviews.

eIntegrity Healthcare
The not-for-profit company that licenses access to high quality online professional healthcare training materials. All net income from licensing is applied to supporting the cost of updating existing or developing new e-learning materials.

Electronic Staff Record (ESR)
The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) solution is an integrated recruitment, HR, payroll and learning management system; in place in all NHS organisations.

A folder is simply a means of organising content. It is not an educational unit in the same way that a course or learning path is, so you cannot search for folders and they do not have an information page.

NHSE elfh
NHSE elearning for healthcare.

NHSE elearning for Healthcare
A NHS England (NHSE) Programme working in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing elearning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.

Learning Path
A learning path is a structured collection of sessions, which have training and learning content that is relevant to a specialty, condition or job role.

Linear learning logic
Rules applied to a group of sessions to enforce completion of those sessions in a specific order.

Organisation Data Service, provided by NHS Digital, is used by NHSE elearning for healthcare to identify physical workplace locations of NHS organisations (ODS code). Private organisations providing NHS Services can also hold an ODS code.

In order to allow different organisations to present their learning in a way that supports their branding and makes the learning recognisable to their audience, we have extended the Hub to introduce the concept of multiple tenancies available on a variety of URLs or links. Each tenancy allows the branding or ‘skin’ of the hub to be themed to different colours matching an organisations colours or branding.

User types
The Hub allows for different types of users to access different sets of programmes relevant to their role or organisation. This is determined by email address or additional validation at the time of registration. We refer to these different groups of users as user types.